Program Components

Shared Reading
For details about Lift Off to Literacy™, the shared reading component of Flying Start to Literacy™

Paired Books
Connected texts to reinforce learning
- 340 student titles are arranged into 170 paired-book sets.
- Each pairing includes one narrative text and one informational text.
- Each pairing is united by the same high frequency words, academic vocabulary, and the big idea at their core.
- In the Complete Program and in the Stage-level Sets, 6 copies of each title are provided.
- Paired texts are also available in “12-Packs” made up of six copies of each title plus the pair’s Lesson Plan Card.

Lesson Plans
Easy-to-use Lesson Plans for practical and systematic instruction
- 170 Lesson Plans: one for each pair of books.
- There are Before, During, and After Reading Activities for each book, plus a synthesizing activity focusing on the key concept of both books.
- Each Lesson Plan can be split into four 30-minute instructional sessions and one review session.
- Each Lesson Plan integrates oral language, comprehension, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency, and writing.
- Each Lesson Plan includes ongoing assessment and follow-up activities.

Vocabulary Starters
Provide direct reading support
- Unique to the Early Emergent Stage, there is one Vocabulary Starter for each pair of books (24 in total).
- Each Vocabulary Starter introduces the written form of key vocabulary through unambiguous, labeled photographs.
- Vocabulary Starters can be read as a book, or displayed as a word bank to support beginning readers and writers.
- On the back of the photographs are suggestions for building oral, reading, and writing vocabulary, as well as reading and writing activities for each book.

Beginning at Level N, the paired-text concept is built upon with Perspectives, volumes of short, point-of-view texts exploring the issues raised in the paired texts. Fully supported with a Lesson Plan Card for every title, Perspectives will help you engage and support students in critical discussions, assist them in recognizing different points of view, and write persuasively from their own perspectives.

Take-Home Books
Economical, black and white versions of 146 Student Books (one title from each pair of books through Level P) provide:
- Additional reading and writing activities for home
- Opportunities for parental involvement
- Repetitive readings to build fluency