Flying Start to Literacy™
Flying Start to Literacy™ is an award-winning, highly flexible classroom resource that scaffolds students from shared reading to small group reading and ultimately to independence through best teaching practice and a solid grounding in reading research.
- Lift Off to Literacy™ is the shared reading component of the program, providing pre-readers with the conceptual and foundational skills necessary for a gentle launch into literacy.
- Then, Flying Start to Literacy™ nurtures students across nine developmental reading stages (Early Emergent through Advanced Fluent) by its innovative use of thoughtfully linked pairs of books. Each of these pairs (one narrative and one informational) are connected by their shared high-frequency words, content vocabulary, and—especially—the big idea that unites them.
- This compelling structure provides countless opportunities for students to make connections while thinking and talking their way purposefully through texts.

Program Components
- Lift Off to Literacy™ (Shared Reading)
- Paired Books
- Lesson Plan Cards (one for each pair)
- Vocabulary Starters (Levels A & B only)
- Perspectives (Levels N-V only)
- Take-Home Books (Levels A-P only)
All of Flying Start to Literacy™ is also available digitally from the Okapi Digital Literacy™ platform. Subscribers can share books with students, download lesson plans, and much more. For a preview, click here